1980 - Area lions welcome newest club to den
The Coldbrook and District Lions Club was officially presented with its Charter by the immediate Past District Governor Elmer Ling, October 4, 1980, at the Berwick Lions Hall.
Although the Charter was October 4th, the official date of club formation was June 16, 1980. District Governor Gordon Morrison was unable to attend the Charter night due to being hospitalized. Past King Lion Clarie Anderson from the New Minas Lions Club, was Master of Ceremonies for the gala event. The New Minas Lions Club is the sponsoring club for the newest Lions Club.
Berwick Lions and Lionesses catered to the 200 persons in attendance. Head Table Guests included: Councilor and Mrs. Arnold Yorke, PDG and Mrs. Buster Wood-worth and PDG and Mrs. Elmer Ling. Lions Clubs were represented from all groups in Region 6 including Windsor, Canning, Port Williams, Wolfville, New Minas, Kentville, Berwick, Aylesford and Kingston. There were also representatives from the Bridgewater Lions Club.
Induction of the 26 Charter Members was performed by PDG Elmer Ling, assisted by Deputy District Governor Ted Stoddard and Zone Chairman Walter Morton. New Members are: President Phil Lefebvre, 1st Vice President Laverne Lonergan, 2nd VP Frank Piwek, 3rd VP Bryce DeEll, Secretary Lee Wood, Treasurer Randy McNutt, Lion Tamer Bill Brommit, Tail Twister Granville Fraser; Paul Madden and Curtis Harris, 1st Year Directors; Ken Nichol and Ian Keddy, 2nd Year Directors; Elwood Dorman, Ed Farndale, Bill Hopkins, Glendon Leggett, Frank Spinney, Greg Spinney, Murray Ward, Carl Wagner, Blair Pudsey, Bernie Praught, Ken Newcombe, Craig Meredith and Bill Wier.
The installation of the officers was performed by PDG Buster Woodworth assisted by DDG Ted Stoddard and PDDG Ernie Wilson. In his remarks, PDG Elmer congratulated the new club on becoming the 63rd Lions Club in Nova Scotia. He also noted that the Lions Organization is the largest service club in the world, with a membership of over 1.4 million from 151 countries. He said “our projects help to make communities better places to live in, play in, and bring up a family in. I feel confident that the Coldbrook and District Lions Club will add to this record of service accomplishments in the coming years.” Accepting the Charter, King Lion Phil Lefebvre thanked Lions, and in particular, the New Minas Lions Club, for help in organizing the new club. He said “the main object of a Lions Club is to endeavor to make our community a better place in which to live, work and raise our families. With the continued support of our club members and the members of this fast growing area, I am sure we can achieve this and a lot more.”
King Lion Levebvre was previously a member of the New Minas Lions Club. The following club equipment was presented: gong and gavel by King Lion Ray Isnor of the New Minas Lions Club; club banner by PDG Elmer Ling on behalf of District 41N2 (Nova Scotia); podium by Past Zone Chairman Hugh Moore, Tail Twister bank by King Lion Eugene Cowie of the Kingston Lions Club; road signs by King Lion John Rainforth of the Berwick Lions Club and a donation of money by King Lion Morton Steward of the Canning Lions Club. PDG Elmer Ling presented the Lions extension awards from the district to Lions Phil Lefebvre and Laverne Lonergan. This award is in recognition of the work done by two deserving Lions in assisting the formation of a new club. The following were presented certificates by Lefebvre: Councilor Arnold Yorke, PDG Buster Woodworth, Lion Fraser Dorman and PDDG Clarie Anderson.
TODAY : The Coldbrook and District Lions Club holds it board meeting on the 1st Wednesday of each month, dinner meeting on the 2nd Wednesday and Business Meetings on the 4th Wednesday at the Huntington Hayes Community Center 1416 South Bishop Road. .