Tune into AVR Kentville 97.7FM every Monday night from 7:00 - 8:00PM to play Radio Bingo
AVR Middleton 1350 AM . AVR Digby 99.7 FM . AVR Weymouth 103.3 FM . CFAB Windsor 1450 AM
Winners Line 1-800-565-5113
All other inquiries should call 902-679-5215 (including retail locations).
$1.00 Cookie Jar refund can be made at 6:30 PM at the AVR Studio Monday night prior to the start of the game for the week the booklet(s) must be played. Booklet(s) MUST be present at the time of refund.
License #AGA-228851-13
$6.00 per booklet
Cards must be played in the week they are purchased.
All bingo paper is controlled by serial numbers.
Colour and serial number of card must match colour and serial number being played.
Maximum fifteen (15) second delays between numbers called.
The first phone call received at the radio station with a potential bingo may not necessarily be the winner of that particular game. The winner of any game will be the person who has called in with a bingo in the least amount of numbers called for the particular game.
Once the winner is phone verified, the bingo caller will announce three (3) times "Any More Winners", the caller then states the game is now closed. Phone line will remain open for thirty (30) minutes after game completion.
Winners that have bingoed with the same amount of numbers called, will split the prize amoungst the winners. Minimum payout is $25.00.
Players must have the following information ready when phoning in their bingo: (a) free space number; (b) serial number at the top of card; (c) the card colour; and (d) the number on which they bingoed. Names must be spelled for the person on the phone and proper mailing address is required.
Winners name, mailing address and phone number must be on the back of the winning card and returned by mail to: Valley Lions Radio Bingo, 1416 South Bishop Road, Coldbrook, NS B4R 1B7 for payment. VLRB does not accept faxed bingo cards. Do not cut your strips, mail in the winning card.
Winners cheques will be mailed on receipt of winning card.
Bingo players are responsible for their own reception. Valley Lions Radio Bingo is not responsible for privately owned equipment failures.
Bingo cards not played due to technical difficulties or weather occuring at the radio station during play will be exchanged on receipt of intact booklet upon the discretion of the Valley Lions Radio Bingo and notify the AG Division.
Valley Lions Radio Bingo volunteers are not eligible to play.
GAME 1 - Blue Card
Crazy Kite All Calls
4 Ways to Win, N Balls Not Counted
GAME 2 - Orange Card
Top Line or Bottom Line
2 Ways to Win
GAME 3 - Green Card
Number 7
1 Way to Win, Jackpot in 21 Nos. or less
Consulation Prize $125
GAME 4 - Yellow Card
Any 2 Lines or Line & 4 Corners
78 Ways to Win
GAME 5 - Pink Card
Any 2 Corner Stamps All Calls
6 Ways to Win, N Balls in Play & Counted
GAME 6 & 7 - Grey Card
Letter L
1 Way to Win
1 Way to Win

List of Retail Locations where cards can be purchased:
Annapolis Royal
Granville Ferry Market & Irving Gas
Lequille Country Store
Double D Rite Shop
Annapolis Independent
Hutchins Pharmasave
Bainton's Tannery /Mad Hatter Wine bar - onsite playing available by reservation
Wilson Home Store - Berwick
Wilson's Pharmasave-Berwick
Bargain Harley's - Berwick
Berwick Foodland - Berwick
Meadowbrook Meat Market - Somerset
Needs-Irving - Berwick
Berwick Independent
Main Street Video - Berwick
Somerset Market
The Garage Morristown Kwik Way
Graves Fresh Mart
Oultons Kwick Way and Take Out
Cochrane's Pharmasave
Cambridge Convenience Highway # 1
AV First Nations Smoke Shop- Cambridge
Sobey's Fast Fuel - Highway # 1- Coldbrook
T J Convience Store- Irving
Coldbrook Foodland
Deep Brook
Deep Brook/Wadec Hall (played in house)
Value Foods
Digby Convenience Store
Conway Quick Stop & Laundromat
Wagner's Country Store
T&C Hydroponics
Sobey's - Digby
Long Island Trading Company - Tiverton
Rylo Gas Bar
Bear River Grocery
Digby PharmaChoice
Primes Marshalltown Market
Bear River First Nation-L'Sitkuk Gas Bar
Walker's Convenience Store
Digby Esso
Ricardo's Convenience
Digby Lions
Digby Ultramar
Glooscap Landing Esso
Hantsport Independent
Glooscap Variety
Kentville Save Easy / Independent
T.J. Convenience
Kentville Ultramar
Kentville Needs
Maders Tobacco Store
Porters Trophy Shop
D & M Services
North End Market
Nichols Kwickway
Greenwood Mall (Customer Service)
Kingston Pharmasave
Needs- Kingston
Kingston Lions Hall (during hall bingo)
Ultra Mar
Sobey's Greenwood Store
Mobil Gas Bar
Sobey's Fast Fuel
Carleton Industries Store/Post Office
Needs – Middleton
Needs – Nictaux
Fundy Spray
Gates Landing
Pharmasave Drug Store
New Minas
Milne Court Petro Canada - New Minas
Sobeys # 747
Shell Needs -New Minas
Irving Big Stop
Henny Penny's Farm Market
New Minas Ultramar
Weymouth Mercantile
Weymouth Foodland
Mount Uniacke Pizza
Falmouth Kwik Way
McLean's Petro-Can-Brooklyn
Mantua Cash & Carry - Mantua
D W Swinamers
Cheverie Food Mart
Ellershouse General Store
Sobey's Express Wentworth Rd
Grand Pre Convenience Store - Grand Pre
Muddy's Convenience Store - Wolfville
Irving Service Station (Circle K) - Greenwich
Elderkin's Farm Market - Greenwich
On the Hoist - Greenwich
Reids Meats
Gaspereaux Convenience
Skyway Convenience